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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Re-posting Of Reeling in Life's First Entry

Below is a re-posting of the maiden post from my first blog, Reeling in Life. Due to forgetting the access information, I have been forced to create a new blog - Reeling in Life 2. This entry gives a foundation for the reader to better understand me.

Hello. Thanks for stopping by Reeling in Life. While I enjoy writing, this is my first blog; I’ve mulled over the idea of blogging for quite a while but could never settle on a title. As so often happens, I was concentrating on something entirely unrelated when the name came to me.

Over the last few months, I have discovered a passion for trout fishing. A couple of weeks back, I was trying to correct a problem with the reel on my fishing pole; that’s when Reeling in Life was born.

We each yearn to pull or reel in the things we love and enjoy. However, in life, there come circumstances which cause us to waver or stumble. These moments are often described as having “left me reeling.” The title reminds me that just as the good moments pass so do the bad.

Please allow me to tell you about myself as I’m sure at some point each of these roles will be the inspiration behind a post.

Married for eight years, I have a young daughter who knows how to play my heartstrings.

While I possess an internal locus of control my belief system reminds me my destiny is not entirely of my own making.

I’ve had the privilege of serving a great church in several capacities.

I have held several jobs with each one centered on customer service in one facet or another.

I have been a stay-at-home dad for over a year; without a doubt, it has been the most challenging but rewarding time of my life.

Over the last year I’ve learned more than I would have had I been employed.

In keeping with my desire to control my future, I have often considered being an entrepreneur. However, after leaving my initial career field over ten years ago, I was unsure as to what I would do. This resulted in several years of floundering.

I have recently determined two distinct industries in which I will, in the very near future, make my mark. A third possibility has also presented itself. Stay tuned for more.

I am often told I make unique use of similes and metaphors. Perhaps this will come to light as Reeling unfolds.

Through this blog, I plan to share my thoughts and experiences in hopes of encouraging others as they experience circumstances of life. Perhaps readers may be provoked to thoughts or actions.

Thank you for taking the time to read the first entry of Reeling in Life. As time moves forward, I hope you’ll check in often. If a particular comment or experience strikes your heart, I’d love to hear from you. Until next time…